About this book

The Hitchhikers Guide to Responsible Machine Learning is a delightful read. I had to flip from comic to comic first, which is fun and also on point about not falling into a pit of errors when doing machine learning with data. The detailed text explanations and beautifully constructed margin figures provide filling to the sandwich. Congratulations to Przemek, Anna and Aleksander for a creative and insightful contribution to the explainable AI literature.

Di Cook, Hitchhiker in high-dimensional spaces

Data science requires knowledge of the data and the methods to parse such data. A new kid on the analytical block is gaining popularity among data scientists: machine learning. It is powerful as it combines long-standing statistical methods with computational versatility. But as as the ‘Peter Parker principle’ goes ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. Biecek’s textbook provides a concise tutorial on how to tame the power of machine learning responsibly. This textbook needs to be read by anyone daring to tickle the power of machine learning.

Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Research fellow at the University of South Australia

This book is a short but illuminating and entertaining trip to responsible machine learning, in which accurate explanations of some fundamental concepts successfully mingle with a~pleasant, richly illustrated storyline. In a tourist-friendly manner it points out some important aspects of inference from the data and gives you a glimpse of how data driven answers are (or at least should be) obtained. Note that no professional travelling equipment is required - an open mind and a solid high-school level of mathematical abilities will certainly suffice. Needless to say, finishing this tour won’t make you an expert in data science - a vast and fascinating field which can be compared to a journey of a thousand miles.

But we all know that such journeys begin with a single step… or a hitchhiker’s guide!

Łukasz Rajkowski, Editorial board of Polish popular science monthly Delta

Other books from Beta and Bit series

Chaos Game - Are you curious about fractals? The Chaos Game is the book for you. You will learn the mathematical basis behind these figures, find out what algorithm can be used to code them, write code in your favourite programming language (Python, R, Julia?) and also explore the bibliographies of three mathematicians associated with the development of mathematics around these shapes. This is the next book in the Beta Bit series for anyone interested in computational mathematics and data analysis.

Find more at https://chaosgame.drwhy.ai/.

Chart Runners - How to create good charts? Good ones, that is, ones that are a pleasure to look at, from which a lot of information can be learned, that can be understood by a wide audience, and that savvy readers will appreciate. Based on our experience of teaching DataVis classes, Chart Runners was created. This book is a collection of short lectures discussing various threads that are useful in better understanding how communication with statistical charts works. %In the pages that follow, there will be many analogies to food preparation, because both in the kitchen and in the preparation of statistical charts one needs practice, knowledge of certain fundamental laws, a handful of tried-and-true recipes and a lot of enthusiasm for experimentation.

Find more at https://betaandbit.github.io/Charts/.